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sql-server – SQL Server Management Studio慢速打开新窗口

发布时间:2021-01-12 08:18:49 所属栏目:MsSql教程 来源:网络整理
导读:从2008年到2012年升级SQL Server和Management Studio后,在打开新的查询窗口和对话框时,Management Studio 2012非常慢. 即使右键单击表格也很慢.在我开始在窗口内做任何事情之前,通常至少有5秒的延迟.每次都会发生这种情况,即使我连续两次打开同一个窗口.为

从2008年到2012年升级SQL Server和Management Studio后,在打开新的查询窗口和对话框时,Management Studio 2012非常慢.





我的电脑应该足够快,我也有16GB的RAM.我的硬件肯定不是问题.看起来SSMS正在等待某些事情 – 我可以在这种情况下顺利运行其他程序.

我没有机会安装SQL Server 2012 CU1更新,因为安装修补程序似乎有一些错误的风险,我现在不能冒这个风险.


SQL Server Management Studio启动

当Microsoft的SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)启动时,它会尝试连接Microsoft的证书吊销列表(CRL):


SSMS的基础.NET组件正在尝试联系证书吊销列表,SSMS无法执行此操作.这会减慢整个装载过程. (显然每张证书15秒)

Ok so here is what is happening. SSMS has a high percentage of managed code,all of this code is signed when we ship it. At start up (if this setting is checked) the .Net Runtime tries to contact crl.microsoft.com to ensure that the cert is valid(there were some fake certs issued in Microsoft’s name a while back so this is a very valid concern). If there is no internet connection or there is a problem contacting the certificate revocation list server then this will delay SSMS startup.

参考:FAQ,Why does SSMS take 45s to start up? (MSDN Blog)

One issue that can cause this problem is that if the server does not have access to the internet,then the .NET framework can’t access the crl.microsoft.com website to verify that the digital signatures used to sign the binaries for managed applications are valid. Each certificate check has a 15 second timeout in the .NET runtime implementation. Depending on what features are installed,this can add up to a minute of startup time for Management Studio.

参考:SQL Server Management Studio Startup Time (MSDN Blog)



>或 –


>或 –

您可以重新配置个人防病毒/防火墙以允许连接到Microsoft CRL

>或 –

您可以配置(公司的)防火墙,以便在访问Microsoft CRL的请求时更快地向客户端发送超时.

>或 –




